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Safeguarding Policy

Golden Ticket Productions (GTP) is an independent film and production company that is committed to protecting the welfare of any children and young adults who participate in our productions. GTP implements a Safeguarding Children Policy in order to fulfil the responsibility that all children are safe and protected from harm.

GTP are committed to ensuring all children and young adults who come into contact with our services are safe and well cared for whilst under our supervision.


Our declaration

GTP will ensure that all children and young people have the same protection regardless of age, disability, gender, racial heritage, religious belief, sexual orientation or identity.

We acknowledge as outlined in the Children Act 2004 that “People working in public bodies who interact with children in their everyday work have an obligation to safeguard children, to promote the welfare of children and to know what procedures they need to follow.’

We are committed to anti-discriminatory practices and recognise the additional needs of children from minority ethnic groups and children with physical disabilities or children with learning disabilities and autism, especially regarding the barriers these children may face around communication.

We recognise that the welfare of a child is paramount, as declared in the Children Act 2004 and that all children have the right to equal protection from all types of neglect and abuse.

This policy is to be read by everyone who is involved in a GTP production.

This policy applies to paid staff and any freelancers or agencies working on behalf of GTP. It is everyone’s responsibility to keep children safe.


Our Procedures



Anyone who works for or on behalf of GTP will be sent this safeguarding policy. The company Directors must ensure this happens prior to any project involving children and young adults. All persons employed or engaged with GTP will agree to abide by the following rules when working with children:

  • In all circumstances staff must try to avoid being left in a position where they are alone with a child. When on location, whenever possible, staff will make sure they are always visible at all times to other members of the team or to the parent/carer.

  • Under no circumstances must staff have any physical contact with a child, which could be perceived to be in any way sexual or anything other than platonic or mildly affectionate. This excludes actors playing a parental or family scene where affection is displayed openly in front of a camera.

  • Staff must not smoke, drink alcohol or use any language that may be deemed offensive in the presence of children.

Filming equipment and trip hazards on set:

It is the responsibility of everyone to ensure children are safe on the set. Wires, and cables must be taped down to avoid harm to children. Children must be made aware by the Director of all major trip hazards and possible damages due to low hanging equipment on set. No child should arrive on set or engage with the set without proper briefing from the Director or Production Team.



All members of staff, prior to working with GTP in any capacity that involves a child in any way must undergo a DBS check. The Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) undertake criminal background checks on adults undertaking specific activities with children. A DBS check must be done prior to an individual undertaking any employment that meets the criteria. 


In the event of suspected or disclosed harm:


If a child discloses personal information that may suggest they are at risk of abuse or have been abused, it is important that the member of the production team tells them that they are unable to keep secrets and that, dependent upon what is disclosed, the member of production may have to tell someone else in order to keep them safe. It is important that any staff approached by a child wanting to disclose an incident of harm or abuse:

  • Remain calm and professional

  • Don’t show signs of shock or disbelief

  • Tell them that only people on a ‘need to know basis will be told’.

  • Take whatever the child discloses very seriously.

In the event of a disclosure or suspected instance of harm, Jemma Gershinson (appointed safeguarding officer) will need to be informed immediately.


The actions taken, including the suspected incident and the procedures that followed the incident should be fully recorded and include:

  • The date and time of the alleged incident

  • The name and role of the person/s involved

  • The name and date of birth of the child

  • Contact details for the child

  • An outline of the concern

  • Where possible, the testimony or parts of it in the child’s own words

  • Note who else has been informed

  • Record the name and details of the alleged abuser

  • The record should be signed and dated by both the author and Director

Due process means that certain disclosures that suggest the child is in immediate danger may need to be reported to the police or social care. In the event that a parent does not know about the disclosure or is the abuser, staff members must seek advice from the Director or child protection advisor before police or social care interaction, as the situation would need to be handled sensitively.


Designated Safeguarding Contact on Set:

Production Manager / Company Director – Jemma Gershinson:


Whistle blowing

The Whistle blowing policy, or code of practice, will be followed. This policy acts as a framework to allow concerns to be raised confidentially and provides for a thorough and appropriate investigation of the matter to bring it to a satisfactory conclusion.

The process for ‘whistle blowing’ is as follows:

1) GTP encourage the Whistleblower to raise the matter internally in the first instance. This allows those in positions of responsibility to take appropriate action and precautions on the said staff (if necessary).

2) As a first step members of the production team should normally raise concerns with the Director Jemma Gershinson, however if circumstances make contacting Jemma not appropriate or possible then Lauren Kayser is available to be spoken with in a confidential manner.

The Production Manager is responsible for ensuring the policy is reviewed.

Next review due for April 2025.

Golden Ticket Productions is a Video Production company based in Hertfordshire and London, UK. With a shared passion for creating emotive, exciting and thought-provoking video content, each project brings together the best team of people who will work with you to ensure your video is delivered on time, on-brief and on budget and lots of fun is had in the process.

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